My A: Probably not. I haven't in years. The kids go to bed, and I go to bed too. I'll party tomorrow. Happy New Year!
Please leave a comment with your own answer to this question.
Sunshine is very wonderful and I had been missing it.
I very easily forget cleaning tips that I've learned and used in the past,
and should make them a habit, not just a good idea now and then.
I really don't have to do everything.
Oh yeah, I want to improve myself...I don't always want to be just like
this. It is ok to make changes here and there.
I need to vent. Simply talking or writing about what is troubling me
does wonders for the way I am feeling. As soon as I published that last
post I felt much better about things and I was able to get over feeling so
Prayer is ALWAYS a good idea. I can't think of anything that helps
I want this to be a blog about the real me. I can't be anyone else. And I'm pretty happy about that.
Oh, one more quick thing. I'm almost done with my Advent Envelopes. The envelopes themselves are all done and I'm about halfway finished with the little cards to go inside. I can't wait!
My Mom gave one of these to my youngest when he was pretty little and he loved it. Then I saw this idea, and decided to try something like it. My babies all loved the crinkly noises that plastic makes. I just used an empty wipes package and stuffed it inside the square. It measures approximately 6x6 inches.
My name is Aimee. It is the french form of the name Amy and means beloved. I've always loved that it is french! And spelled just a little differently. My parents really liked the name Amy, but then saw it spelled Aimee and liked that even better. Growing up I rarely ever heard of anyone else named Aimee. Just lots of Amy's. My mom even cut out a picture from the newspaper in 1983 showing the family of Ferdinand Marcos, including a niece named Aimee who looked like she was about my age. I still have the clipping. In the last year or so it seems that I've run into all kinds of Aimee's. Even one with the same maiden name!
To read other's Wordfull Wednesday entries, visit Chocolate on My Cranium.
I wasn't going to blog about my birthday, but I've had some really nice thoughts today and wanted to share them. Mostly I've felt very loved. Encouraged. Liked. (which is very different from being loved I think, and just as nice.) And thought of. I don't quite feel deserving of all of this, but I'm very grateful for it.
Thanks for loving and liking and thinking of me today! It's been a very nice birthday!
I love this little quilt! My girls use it for their dolls, but sometimes I just like to pick it up and look at it. It always makes me smile!!
Today's assignment from Chocolate On My Cranium is to describe ourselves in only six words.
I am very much a girl.
President Thomas S. Monson
I graduated from high school in 1997. Though I would never want to go back to high school, it was a great growing experience for me. Right after my freshman year of high school I moved from a small town in Idaho to Denver and a much larger high school. I spent more time with my brothers and came to depend on them quite a bit. I had to really decide what I believed and had to stand up for it. I landed the lead role in the school musical when I was a Jr. and gained a lot of self confidence from that and many other experiences. Now I am able to lead singing time for the Primary kids at church every Sunday and it isn't scary to me. I also met the boy who would one day be my husband. In fact we hung out quite a bit and dated off and on.