Monday, April 12, 2010

Pink Carnations

On Friday I bought a bunch of pink carnations at the grocery store.  There were so many that I could barely fit them all in my wide mouthed jar that I like to use as a vase.

This is all that was left by Saturday morning.  Miss Monkey liked them so much that she took most of them to bed with her Friday night.  Little Man picked the little purple flowers in the yard and brought them to me. 

pink carnations



Unknown said...

LOVE the vase- mason jars are the best!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

That sounds like something my daughter would do! Anything pretty is confiscated quickly!

Judi said...

So cute that your daughter took them to bed! Such a girl thing to do!

I am anxiously awaiting the blooming of our lilacs - I love fresh flowers in the house. I've been getting a lot of dandelion bouquets this week! :)

Chaney said...

So I'm REALLY jealous! My tulips are just starting to peek through the ground. I'm so ready for some color outside!

an encourager said...

Awwwwwww!!!! Flowers and kids are nice to have around!