Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's Sunday afternoon...

...and almost everyone is asleep.

There are only two of us still awake. It seems that no matter where we go, we run into sleeping people. So we are trying to be very quiet. I don't mind the quiet. It is very peaceful and gives me a chance to think. That's something that doesn't happen very often.

I think I'm going to go write a real letter and put it in the mail. That's something that doesn't happen very often either, but I think it should. Hope you are having a peaceful Sabbath too.


Lynsey said...

I am so jealous. I can't remember the last time all of us got to nap at the same time. :) All in all though it has been a wonderful Sabbath.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

I so badly wanted a nap yesterday and by the time I had a chance it was too late in the day for it to be worth it that night. Oh well...

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Autumn said...

Wow! How did you manage to get everybody to knock out like that at the same time? Boring movie? Hot house? Triptophan laced turkey? Well, whatever you did, it worked and I'm happy for you to be able to have some quiet time to yourself!

I love you, Aimee.