Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Pursuit of Order

I didn't post a Monday's Mess yesterday. Not because I'm quitting. I'm just going to combine the Monday and Friday posts into one post on Friday so I'll have a before and after in one post. I am really enjoying the small spaces of order I have created so far. I really don't want to quit!

Over the weekend I had some insane thoughts about completely and deeply cleaning my whole house this week. While the results would be very nice, it just isn't a practical or even possible plan of action. Bringing order to my home is going to take a lot of organizing, de-cluttering, and changing of habits and that is NOT going to happen all in one week. So, I will keep going with my weekly projects and try to keep my past projects from becoming messes again. It feels like a long drawn out process at times, but I think it is the best process for me right now.

In my quest to establish a home of order I'm also trying out a little schedule. It sounds like such a big deal when I use the word schedule, but really it's not. I'm just trying to eliminate some of the chaos that gives me so much trouble and is so very overwhelming. Here's my weekday schedule (no schedule for weekends):

Wake up somewhere between 5 and 6 am. (pretty vague, but I'm always up before the kids.)
Kids up at 6:30
Leave for school 7:45
Get home and start clean up time 8:30
Pre-school/play time/whatever time starting sometime after 10:45 or so
Lunch sometime around 11:30 or 12
story time
quiet (nap) time, I get computer/sewing/reading time here
quick clean-up 3:00
kids home from school/snacks/homework 3:45
start supper 4:30
eat supper whenever it's ready
quick clean-up and baths
bedtime routine 7:30(our well established habit of jammies, sing some songs, family scripture reading, family prayer, brush teeth, then personal prayers)
kids into bed 8:00
free time for James and I (sewing for me/electronics for him, read together, watch a movie together, make cookies together, whatever!)
go to bed usually about 10 but this varies greatly.

I've only actually "followed" this schedule about three times now, but I do notice a difference when I do. Things just seem to go a little smoother.


Chaney said...

Hmmm, maybe I need a schedule. I sort of have one, but it's usually who's laundry gets done which days. What gets cleaned when etc. I like the having a general idea of when things happen!

Autumn said...

Getting a puppy the other week has inadvertantly forced me into a new schedule as well. Who knew our great minds were thinking so alike?! Keep me posted as to how it goes...It sounds good so far, Cousin.