Tuesday, February 17, 2009

sewing, swapping, and learning...

Naomi's 3rd birthday is tomorrow and this is what I've been working on for her. I've seen lots of felt crowns around and came up with this one myself. All of the others I've seen have been made of wool felt but I decided to use craft felt instead. The wool felt is very nice and comes in lots of beautiful colors, but the craft felt is much cheaper and can be machine washed which is a necessity for us.

Naomi's crown is almost done. I just have to stitch on the two smaller hearts, put in the elastic, and sew the front to the back. It shouldn't take too long. I really like the way it is turning out.

We got this cute doll in the mail last week from my handmade toy swap partner Donna. All three of the girls love it. Thanks Donna!

I learned something last week ... I really enjoy practicing the piano, and my family seems to enjoy listening too. I play hymns and Primary songs all the time, but not much else. Recently, though, I was asked to play accompaniment for a musical number in church last Sunday and I really had to practice to be ready. The song was The Olive Tree by Kurt Bestor (click on the link then click on the mp3 of The Olive Tree, song #5, to hear it). It is a very beautiful song, but is full of running triplets and I had a really hard time with them. But I got the hang of it! I did make a couple of mistakes on Sunday, mostly because I was nervous, but I don't think anyone noticed. And now I just want to keep playing.


Chaney said...

I LOVE Naomi's crown! It's awesome! It's always amazing to me how much someone would spend on something like that when it can be made for SO much cheaper (and it's usually better quality)!
And yea for the piano! I recently started practicing more as well (and so I can accompany Stuart this next Sunday), and even Phillip after a while will leave me alone and just dance or listen.

Sara said...

The crown is very cute! I made one for my 2yr old nephew. I used the wool felt b/c I was to scared to stray from the directions. I like the idea of using the craft felt and being washable is key! I'm definitely using the craft felt for the next crown I make.
Well done!

P.S. I am sure that nobody noticed any flubs during your piano piece. Congrats on pushing yourself!