Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More Practice

I started another doll quilt. I started out with the pink and orange scraps and decided it wasn't quite big enough. So I added the white sashing which came from an old pillow case. I recently got a walking foot for my sewing machine and I'll try using that to quilt this. I'm excited!!!


Chaney said...

Very cute Aimee! What exactly is a walking foot?

Autumn said...

That is darling, Cousin. I feel silly asking, but are doll quilts actually for dolls? Or is that just the name for a small quilt? I can't tell what the dimensions are, but it looks tiny like the girls would use it. No? Don't laugh too hard. *grin*

Aimee said...

Don't feel silly at all, Chica, because I have asked all the same questions as I've been learning about quilting. Doll quilts are for dolls. And with 3 girls we have plenty of dolls to cover up. This quilt will be about 18 inches by 15 inches. Doll quilts are so nice because I can use scraps to make them and the girls are always thrilled with them even if I make mistakes here and there. Not so much pressure.

Lynsey said...

Too Cute!! The dolls in your house with stay warm this winter with all their new blankets. :)