Thursday, July 16, 2009

I won a Quilt Kit!!!

It's about time I posted about this. At the end of June Cocoa, of Chocolate on My Cranium, posted the Wordfull Wednesday winner for the month, and it was me!!! I was (and still am) quite excited! I got this wall hanging quilt kit from Nauvoo Quilt Company.

Isn't it gorgeous!!! I can hardly wait to start on it. The Nauvoo Quilt Company has lots and lots of wonderful fabrics and other quilting supplies. Check it out!


Lynsey said...

That is so COOL!!! Nobody deserves it more than you, you are so very talented.

Autumn said...

That really is beautiful! Congratulations!!

an encourager said...

Wow!!! Winning is fun, and getting to win a great quilt is the funnest! (And, no, wrong use of that word doesn't bother me in the makes me happy, though my daughter corrects me every time.)